Recently, while watching one of my 7-year-old daughter's softball games, I felt a wave of peace. This was my freedom: I didn't care what happened during the game.
I didn't care if we won. I didn't care if we lost. I didn't care if my daughter got a hit. I didn't care if she struck out. I didn't care if the other parents spoke to me. I didn't care what moves the coach was making. I didn't care whether what was happening on the field would affect my daughter's future prospects as a softball player. None of it mattered -- and, as a result, I am enjoying the sports parent experience so much more. The likelihood my child and I are heading down a path that ends with me filing a $40 million lawsuit over playing time has diminished considerably.
Now, it would seem counterintuitive and downright neglectful for a parent not to care. But I'll define what I mean by, "don't care." For the benefit of one particular reader of mine -- my daughter's softball coach -- "not caring" doesn't mean that I have no desire to support my daughter and her team, and see them do well. It doesn't mean I make a point of being actively hostile to the other parents. It just means that I'm taking things, as the sports cliche goes, one game at a time. For me, my daughter's games are truly just games, and any benefits -- social, athletic or otherwise -- are gravy.
Of course, my version of not caring is easier to do when you have a team with a good coach, as my daughter does, and I'm not just saying that because he reads this blog. In fact, my wife and I requested during league signups that our daughter stay with this coach another year, which seems the opposite of "not caring." I use the phrase "don't care" not like Pierre from Maurice Sendak's "Really Rosie," as some sort of hostile cudgel of apathy. It's about not getting so caught up in the day-to-day ups and downs of the youth sport experience that it takes away from the enjoyment of watching your child play.
This state of bliss didn't come overnight. My 7-year-old is youngest of four, and years of being a parent and coach have pushed me at times to care about the wrong things, to the detriment of myself, my family, my kids, and those I've coached and their families. Not anything abusive, or anything that went viral. More of your garden-variety stuff that adds up after a while. So how can you reach the state of bliss I'm feeling without a decade-long road? My advice:
1. Stop thinking of your child's performance as reflective of your quality as a parent. Some kids are naturally gifted in, or are drawn to, a particular activity; some pick dandelions in the outfield. It's natural when your child is in a sport, probably the first time you've seen him or her perform right in front of you in public, to want the child to do well, and to participate as fully as he or she can. But part of the process of childhood is him or her (and you) learning likes and dislikes, using sport not merely as a means to win or lose, but as an act of self-discovery. Sometimes that discovery is: my kid hates basketball.
2. Stop thinking of your child's performance as part of an inexorable process ending in a college athletic scholarship. Once my wife mentioned to a few people she knew that our now-10-year-old son was in a bowling league, and their first response was along the lines of, you know you can get a college scholarship for that? As it turns out, yes, we did know. But that the question was even asked gives you an idea of the angst about getting that all-important scholarship, which is not an irrational desire given the current lack of affordability of a college education. If your child shares that goal and loves the sport so much he or she wants to make it a full-time job, great. But for most of us, sports isn't a means to an end (as you could guess by the name of this blog). At least, not to a financial end. So relax and stop plotting out your 4-year-old's soccer career.
3. Stop thinking of your kids' games as a place to be the popular person you never were in high school. I'm not arguing against being social with the other parents. After all, you sit with them a lot, and it's good for everyone to get to know each other if for no other reason than to have a network of other drivers in case work runs late. If you make friends, awesome. But the point of the activity is your child's joy and improvement, not so you can be king or queen bee of the sideline. Be a friend to others, but don't go into a season desperate to make them. As it turns out, it's harder to make friends that way, and worrying about where you are in the parental pecking order is stress you don't need.
4. Take your cues from your child. Does your child care that she struck out three times in softball today? No? Then why should you? And a good answer is not, "Dang it, she SHOULD care!" As a sports parent, your job is to be aware of how your child is really feeling -- not projecting your own feelings, or telling him or her how to feel -- and acting on that. This helps you decide on the right times to actually care. And by "care," I don't necessarily mean "march down to that coach or league official and tell him what for." It's about getting to know what makes your child happy about the sports experience, and what makes your child upset. It's about getting to know if the problem is the sport, the people in it, or something else. And it's also about hashing out those feelings in the privacy of your own home, instead of, say, on the field, right after the game.
Watching your child play a sport will always be an emotional experience. I may officially not care, but I get up and cheer when my daughter get a hit, and I root for her team. Hey, I bought one of the team T-shirts the coach produced, and I wear it proudly. But I do it for the moment of play -- not for my own ego, not for a scholarship, not for anything but what's happening in front of my face. I don't know if that will give my daughter a long athletic career. But it certainly gives the both of us peace of mind.